The Airshower is a unique series of patented supply air terminals. They are designed for vertical displacement, supplying a thermally controlled air flow. The devices provide a low degree of turbulence, extremely low impulse and exceptionally high ventilation efficiency. Among the benefits are low noise pollution, good air comfort and low energy consumption.
There are two types of diffusers: ceiling diffusers (AS) and wall diffusers (ASV). Ceiling diffusers are optimal for air flows up to 170 l/s (600m3/h). Wall diffusers are recommended for smaller air flows up to 70 l/s (250 m3/h).
The devices can be ordered in a range of colours.
- Very high ventilation efficiency
- Calm air flows and low noise levels
- Low lifecycle costs
- Reduced risk of airborne contagion
- Simple, stylish design
For more information and technical specifications, please download the product sheets on the right. You can also download other related documents, as well as plug-in for CAD.